Tidak adil membandingkan INDONESIA dengan negara-negara tetangganya seperti singapore dan malaysia, atau negara-negara lain di dunia ini.
INDONESIA telah berubah dari sebuah negara centralisasi menjadi negara desentralisasi hampir dalam waktu semalam.
INDONESIA telah berubah dari negara diktator menjadi negara demokrasi hampir dalam waktu semalam.
INDONESIA telah berubah menjadi negara liberal dalam waktu semalam.
Tidak ada negara yang bisa melakukannya seperti yang INDONESIA lakukan.
Contoh paling dekat adalah Uni Soviet. Waktu Uni Soviet terpecah, pengalaman nya seperti yang INDONESIA punya.
Dalam kondisi itu, ekonomi Russia mempunyai pertumbuhan yang negative di tahun itu.
Dalam kondisi yang sama, ekonomi INDONESIA tumbuh. Pertumbuhan nya Positive.
Jika saya orang INDONESIA, saya akan bangga dengan pencapaian itu.
Dan saya memprediksi masa depan yang lebih cerah
It is not fair to compare Indonesia with it’s neighboring countries such as Singapore and Malaysia, or any other country in the world in that case.
Indonesia has changed from a totally centralized country to a decentralized country virtually overnight.
Indonesia has changed from a Dictatorship to a Democracy virtually overnight. Indonesia has changed to a liberal country virtually overnight.
No other country has been through what Indonesia has been through virtually overnight. The closest example is the USSR. When the USSR split up,
it experienced similar changes to what Indonesia had, virtually overnight. In that condition, Russia’s economy had a NEGATIVE growth that year.
In that same condition, Indonesia’s Economy GREW. It had POSITIVE growth. If I were an Indonesian, I would be proud of that achievement.
And I would predict a much brighter future
Indonesia has changed from a totally centralized country to a decentralized country virtually overnight.
Indonesia has changed from a Dictatorship to a Democracy virtually overnight. Indonesia has changed to a liberal country virtually overnight.
No other country has been through what Indonesia has been through virtually overnight. The closest example is the USSR. When the USSR split up,
it experienced similar changes to what Indonesia had, virtually overnight. In that condition, Russia’s economy had a NEGATIVE growth that year.
In that same condition, Indonesia’s Economy GREW. It had POSITIVE growth. If I were an Indonesian, I would be proud of that achievement.
And I would predict a much brighter future
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