By: Prof. BOEDIONO, B.Sc., M.Ec., Ph.D.
(Vice President of R.I., Great Teacher at UGM, Former Governor of BI., Ph.D. Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.)
Julukan: The man to get the job done. The silent man.
Keynote Address
the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia
On the Occasion of the Opening of
TUNZA International Youth and Children Conference 2011
Bandung, 27 September 2011
Assalamu alaikum Wr Wb
Excellency Mr. Achim Steiner, the Executive Director of UNEP,
Excellency Ministers,
Excellency Ambassadors,
Honorable Governor of West Java,
Honorable Mayor of Bandung,
Distinguished youth and children delegates,
Ladies and gentlemen,
First of all allow me to welcome you to Bandung for the auspicious occasion of Tunza International Children and Youth Conference 2011. It is an honour for me to address such a distinguished audience.
Bandung is a historical city, in which in 1955, leaders from Asian and African countries met in a Conference that upheld the principle of self determination. The importance of this conference is that it inspires the freedom from colonialism.
Today, we are here also for the issue of utmost importance, namely, the environment. It is therefore my fervent hope that the conference will pave the way towards freedom from environmental degradation. Through this conference, we hope to strengthen partnership towards sustainable development.
Ladies and gentlemen,
In a world as beset with environmental challenges as today, the need to improve awareness is undoubtedly paramount. Hence it is a pleasant sight that today I witness the children and youth delegations from all over the world, enthusiastically show not only their awareness but also their commitment to treat the mother earth with care.
Fully conscious the need to conserve the environment for the future generations, it is important to maintain the environmental sustainability. Given the many challenges such as food and energy security, land degradation and climate change, coupled with growing population, the call for fundamental changes in our behaviour and lifestyles become even more pressing.
This is in line with the theme of Tunza Children and Youth Conference 2011, ‘Reshaping Our Future through a Green Economy and Sustainable Lifestyles.
Green economy, in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, is the avenue for the aforementioned fundamental changes. Green economy has become the key towards alternative development pathways, in which economic growth is not delivered perforce at the expense of environmental degradation - development pathways that balance the the economic, social and environmental aspects.
In this regard, Indonesia has shown its unswerving tread to follow the sustainable development path that is pro-growth, pro-poor, pro-job and pro-environment. This commitment, as always reiterated by our President, is evident in Indonesia’s leadership in becoming part of the solution to the global problem such as climate change.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I would also like to note that whereas governments shall be the prime mover of sustainable development strategies, other stakeholders can certainly play significant part in supporting the efforts.
In this regard I put strong emphasize that reshaping our future will require collective vision, creativity, and support from a broad cross-section of society, including the general public.
Therefore, I believe that all present in this august occasion can play a part of the agent of change towards sustainable lifestyles of the world community. This sustainable lifestyles will lay a firm ground on which sustainable development can be achieved.
The United Nations Secretary General, Excellency Mr. Ban Ki Moon has once said that the youth is not only the leaders of tomorrow, but also the partners of today. I would therefore call to my partners, each one of you the youth from all countries, to stand up for a sustainable lifestyle in promoting green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication.
Only this way we are able to reshape our future for a better tomorrow.
Finally, ladies and gentlemen, I wish you all productive deliberations and fruitful outcome to reflect on, that should lead to the way forward for a sustainable planet as our legacy for the next generations.
Thank you.
Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Bandung, 27 September 2011
Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia
Pilihan yang Anda putuskan untuk diri Anda sendiri akan menentukan nasib umat manusia.
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