Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Sembilan Capaian KTT ke-19 ASEAN

Nusa Dua, Bali: Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono telah menutup Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) ke-19 ASEAN dan KTT Asia Timur pada Sabtu (19/11) sore, di Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center. Perhelatan besar negara-negara Asia Tenggara dan mitra dialog selama tiga hari itu, 17-19 November, usai sudah.

Ada banyak hal yang telah dihasilkan. Sekadar meringkas, berikut adalah sembilan capaian utama keketuaan Indonesia di ASEAN:

Langkah-langkah konkret guna memperkuat ketiga pilar Komunitas ASEAN
1. Keberhasilan penguatan langkah-langkah transformasi ASEAN dari sekedar asosiasi menjadi suatu komunitas kerja sama yang
lebih kohesif sejalan dengan visi Komunitas ASEAN 2015.
2. Memastikan kemajuan yang seimbang di antara ketiga pilar dibawah seluruh cetak biru Komunitas ASEAN secara konsisten dan
saling isi-mengisi.
3. KTT ke-19 ASEAN telah menyepakati sejumlah instrumen penting bagi penguatan pilar-pilar Komunitas ASEAN:
- Pembentukan ASEAN Institute for Peace and Reconciliation;
- Diisepakatinya ASEAN Framework for Equitable Economic Development: Guiding Principles for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth
dan ASEAN Framework for Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership;
- Keberlanjutan komitmen untuk menjadikan ASEAN sebagai forum kerja sama yang people-oriented, people-centred, and

Penguatan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Kawasan
Indonesia terus mendorong langkah-langkah bersama bagi penguatan pertumbuhan ekonomi kawasan, meliputi:
1. Memastikan agar ASEAN Architecture for Economic Integration and Cooperation betul-betul berfungsi dalam menjaga tingkat
pertumbuhan ekonomi negara-negara ASEAN.
2. Terus mendorong implementasi The Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity guna mendukung kerja sama perdagangan intra-

Mengambil peran utama dalam menata arsitektur kerja sama kawasan yang lebih efisien dan efektif.
1. EAS (East Asia Summit) sebagai forum utama untuk pembahasan isu-isu strategis di kawasan.
2. Pengakuan leaders atas sentralitas ASEAN dalam menata arsitektur kawasan Asia Timur.

Menjaga stabilitas dan keamanan kawasan Asia Tenggara.
1. Kawasan kita masih dihadapkan pada sejumlah tantangan.
2. Selama Keketuaan Indonesia, ASEAN telah mampu mengelola konflik melalui mekanisme dialog:
- isu Thailand-Kamboja;
- isu Laut Cina Selatan;
- menciptakan lingkungan yang kondusif bagi dimulai kembalinya Six Party Talks;
- kemajuan signifikan dalam SEANWFZ;
- isu maritim dalam ASEAN Maritime Forum (AMF).
3. Memperkuat kemampuan ASEAN mengatasi konflik (conflict resolution) dan meningkatkan capacity building.

Penguatan peran ASEAN secara global.
1. Peran ASEAN yang lebih besar dalam penanganan masalah-masalah global.
2. Pengesahan Bali Declaration on ASEAN Community in a Global Community of Nations (“Bali Concord III”).
3. Dicapainya Kemitraan Komprehensif antara ASEAN dan PBB.

Upaya bersama untuk memperkuat ekonomi Asia Timur (Kawasan EAS)
1. KTT Asia Timur sepakati The Declaration of the 6th East Asia Summit on ASEAN Connectivity.
2. Untuk menjadikan ASEAN Connectivity sebagai bagian penting dari kerjasama EAS, maka pada KTT Asia Timur di Bali ini telah
disepakati The Declaration of the 6th East Asia Summit on ASEAN Connectivity.

Upaya bersama untuk membangun landasan dan tindakan nyata menangani food, water, and energy security serta climate change.
1. Kerja sama ASEAN:
- Implementasi skema ASEAN – Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserves (APTEER);
- Percepatan realisasi ASEAN Power Grid dan Rencana Aksi ASEAN untuk Kerja Sama Energi (APAEC) 2010-2015.
2. Komitmen ASEAN untuk terus engage dalam pembahasan masalah perubahan iklim di berbagai forum.

Upaya bersama untuk mengatasi non-traditional security challenges: natural disasters, terrorism, transnational crimes.
1. Peluncuran dan pemafaatan ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Centre).
2. Implementasi ASEAN Convention on Counter-Terrorism dan ASEAN Plan of Action to Combat Transnational Crime.
3. Dicapainya komitmen untuk membuat suatu mekanisme untuk menangani masalah perompakan di laut.

Upaya bersama untuk memelihara perdamaian, keamanan dan stabilitas dan ketertiban Kawasan Asia Timur.
1. KTT Asia Timur 2011 mengesahkan The Declaration of the East Asia Summit on the Principles for Mutually Beneficial Relations.

Mengenai keinginan TimorLeste untuk menjadi anggota ASEAN, para pemimpin ASEAN telah bersepakat untuk membentuk ASEAN Coordinating Council Working Group (ACCWG) untuk membahas persoalan ini secara menyeluruh. Indonesia telah secara jelas menyampaikan dukungan penuhnya bagi keanggotaan Timor Leste tersebut.

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Green Economy Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication

By: Prof. BOEDIONO, B.Sc., M.Ec., Ph.D.

(Vice President of R.I., Great Teacher at UGM, Former Governor of BI., Ph.D. Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.)

Julukan: The man to get the job done. The silent man.

Keynote Address

the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia

On the Occasion of the Opening of

TUNZA International Youth and Children Conference 2011

Bandung, 27 September 2011


Assalamu alaikum Wr Wb

Excellency Mr. Achim Steiner, the Executive Director of UNEP,

Excellency Ministers,

Excellency Ambassadors,

Honorable Governor of West Java,

Honorable Mayor of Bandung,

Distinguished youth and children delegates,

Ladies and gentlemen,

First of all allow me to welcome you to Bandung for the auspicious occasion of Tunza International Children and Youth Conference 2011. It is an honour for me to address such a distinguished audience.

Bandung is a historical city, in which in 1955, leaders from Asian and African countries met in a Conference that upheld the principle of self determination. The importance of this conference is that it inspires the freedom from colonialism.

Today, we are here also for the issue of utmost importance, namely, the environment. It is therefore my fervent hope that the conference will pave the way towards freedom from environmental degradation. Through this conference, we hope to strengthen partnership towards sustainable development.


Ladies and gentlemen,

In a world as beset with environmental challenges as today, the need to improve awareness is undoubtedly paramount. Hence it is a pleasant sight that today I witness the children and youth delegations from all over the world, enthusiastically show not only their awareness but also their commitment to treat the mother earth with care.

Fully conscious the need to conserve the environment for the future generations, it is important to maintain the environmental sustainability. Given the many challenges such as food and energy security, land degradation and climate change, coupled with growing population, the call for fundamental changes in our behaviour and lifestyles become even more pressing.

This is in line with the theme of Tunza Children and Youth Conference 2011, ‘Reshaping Our Future through a Green Economy and Sustainable Lifestyles.

Green economy, in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, is the avenue for the aforementioned fundamental changes. Green economy has become the key towards alternative development pathways, in which economic growth is not delivered perforce at the expense of environmental degradation - development pathways that balance the the economic, social and environmental aspects.

In this regard, Indonesia has shown its unswerving tread to follow the sustainable development path that is pro-growth, pro-poor, pro-job and pro-environment. This commitment, as always reiterated by our President, is evident in Indonesia’s leadership in becoming part of the solution to the global problem such as climate change.


Ladies and gentlemen,

I would also like to note that whereas governments shall be the prime mover of sustainable development strategies, other stakeholders can certainly play significant part in supporting the efforts.

In this regard I put strong emphasize that reshaping our future will require collective vision, creativity, and support from a broad cross-section of society, including the general public.

Therefore, I believe that all present in this august occasion can play a part of the agent of change towards sustainable lifestyles of the world community. This sustainable lifestyles will lay a firm ground on which sustainable development can be achieved.

The United Nations Secretary General, Excellency Mr. Ban Ki Moon has once said that the youth is not only the leaders of tomorrow, but also the partners of today. I would therefore call to my partners, each one of you the youth from all countries, to stand up for a sustainable lifestyle in promoting green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication.

Only this way we are able to reshape our future for a better tomorrow.

Finally, ladies and gentlemen, I wish you all productive deliberations and fruitful outcome to reflect on, that should lead to the way forward for a sustainable planet as our legacy for the next generations.

Thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Bandung, 27 September 2011

Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia


Pilihan yang Anda putuskan untuk diri Anda sendiri akan menentukan nasib umat manusia.

Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Indonesia: Thinking Big Do Local

"Bismillah tuturus laku, muru gapura rahayu, Bangunharja jatining bagja, titi nu luyu saestu, tetep galeuh lelembutan, nyinglar syetan ngusir iblis, di palar setraning rasa, dipamrih surtining ati, melaan ucap jeung lampah, mangsana ngarumat jeung babakti ka nagri tur lemah cai, dina papantunan hirup manut lampahing ibadah sumerah ka Nu Kawasa."

Indonesia’s newly published economic master plan sets out ambitious targets to become one of the world’s biggest economies over the next 15 years. The plan unveiled by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) also put the spotlight on the need for heavy investments in infrastructure coupled with improvement in the investment climate.

On May 27, President Yudhoyono unveiled the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia’s Economic Development (MP3EI), which will carry the country through to 2025. It aims to make Indonesia, the 17th largest economy in the world last year, one of the world’s 10 biggest economies by 2025, taking GDP to $4.5trn and increasing the per capita income from $3000 now to $15,000.

To achieve this, the master plan seeks to raise average annual growth to 8-9% between 2015 and 2025, from around 6% now. The MP3EI also sets the target of bringing inflation down from 6% now to 3% by the middle of the next decade.

The plan outlines Rp4000trn ($468.5bn) in investments to be made over the next 14 years, including in infrastructure work. Some Rp544trn ($63.72bn) of government cash has been earmarked for investment to 2025, to be supplemented by Rp836trn ($97.93bn) from state firms.

At the MP3EI launch, Yudhoyono identified 17 projects worth Rp190trn ($22.26bn) in the plan that are expected to start this year, some of which had already been announced. They include hydroelectric and solar power plants; oil palm developments; a steel mill in East Java; new roads including toll motorways; mining projects; expansion of broadband internet; and nickel, cobalt and aluminium factories.

Another major project that the government has pledged to launch this year is the long-awaited Sunda Strait Bridge that would link Java and Sumatra, Indonesia’s most populous islands (and the first and fourth most populous in the world, respectively). The bridge is expected to cost Rp150trn ($17.57bn) and has been subject to planning delays.

While infrastructure and industrial investments have taken most of the headlines, the MP3EI also highlights the importance of moving Indonesia’s economy up the value chain and increasing the level of innovation. Through improving education and boosting school and university attendance, as well as expanding the industrial base, Indonesia aims to develop a more high-tech economy, exporting more tertiary goods and becoming less reliant on commodities, the prices for which have fluctuated greatly over the past five years.

Yudhoyono has acknowledged that Indonesia must first overcome some serious challenges if its vision is to be realised. He identified “five diseases that can make us fail”, including slow bureaucratic processes, conflicting interests in regional government (Indonesia has undergone a process of devolution in recent years), obstructive regulations, broken promises to investors and “unhealthy” political factors.

Despite these challenges, Indonesia has developed into something of an investors’ darling of late, particularly since the economic crisis, which the country weathered remarkably well. The country offers a large and thriving domestic market, access to much of Asia and abundant natural resources.

Business leaders have also drawn attention to the need for a renewed focus on economic reform to enhance the investment climate if growth targets are to be achieved, asserting that the private sector must take the lead in the longer term.

“Foreign direct investment has shown positive increases, demonstrating the level of interest from companies looking to capitalise on the growth of the region,” Mike Gundy, the president-director of BlueScope Steel Indonesia, the local wing of an Australian metals company, told OBG. “However, fiscal incentives and tax holidays are a necessary step if the country is to remain competitive in the region.”

As Yudhoyono noted, red tape is another common complaint cited by investors, and clearing the regulatory thicket around businesses and the limitations on foreign ownership in some sectors would be beneficial.

Indonesia is demonstrably one of the world’s rising economic powers, and has now set the target of shifting up a gear to become one of its very biggest in less than a generation. While public investments will play a crucial part in meeting this goal, a liberated and thriving private sector is the hallmark of an advanced economy.

Source: Oxford Business Group

"Hariwang nyawang Parahiyangan mangsa nu datang, dumareuda medar waruga Sunda nu tereh sirna, ngan ukur ceuk paribasa."

Foto: Di Sungai Cijolang, Bendungan Rendam Bantar Heulang.
Desa Bangunharja Perbatasan dengan Jawa Tengah.
Oleh: Mufa Gunawan dan Ivan Livana.